Black-striped dwarfism is an extremely dangerous rice virus disease, which has spread very quickly and devastated rice, causing heavy damage in the northern provinces before.
The percentage of leafhopper samples carrying black stripe dwarf virus (LSD) was nearly 18%. Therefore, the risk of endemic disease in the Northern 2021 crop is very high.

Nguyen Quy Duong, Deputy Director of the Plant Protection Department, said that over the past time, the Plant Protection Department has closely coordinated with a number of northern localities, especially the Red River Delta provinces, to take samples to monitor the circulation of the black striped dwarf virus. LSD) damage rice in the field. The results showed that the percentage of white-backed planthopper samples (disease vectors) carrying the virus was quite high, in some places up to nearly 18% of the samples carrying the virus.
The Plant Protection Department said that normally, the white-backed planthopper carrying the LSD virus accounted for 1% of the samples and had to apply measures to control the planthopper. Therefore, with the rate of leafhoppers carrying the virus as high as in the past time, this is a very high risk of an outbreak of leptospirosis in the northern provinces in the 2021 crop.
Facing that situation, many northern provinces have also planned to implement measures to control planthoppers in order to limit and cut off the risk of disease spread.
Currently, the provinces in the Red River Delta are focusing on planting the 2021 crop. The planthopper is continuing to move into the 5th generation, which has a very high risk of spreading and replicating in the northern provinces.
The Department of Plant Protection has directed the Northern Plant Protection Center, the Regional Center for Plant Protection Zone 4 as well as suggested the local plant protection systems to focus on implementing measures to prevent planthoppers right from the seedling stage before planting the 2021 crop. .