The provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta are preparing to produce the winter-spring rice crop 2021-2022, with a timetable for early sowing and sowing in December 2021.
The year 2021 is the 10th consecutive year in the Mekong Delta small flood occurs, the flood season in the field is very low. This creates favorable conditions for autumn-winter rice production, but risks a lack of fresh water for the next rice crop.

Therefore, localities have planned to arrange the sowing schedule of winter-spring rice varieties 2021-2022 as soon as possible, in order to avoid drought and saltwater intrusion when the dry season is forecasted to come soon. The salinity peak is forecasted to appear around February to March 2022, 1.5-2 months earlier – on average annually.
According to the plan, the whole Mekong Delta will sow 1.6 million hectares of winter-spring rice. Mr. Le Van Thiet, Deputy Director of the Plant Protection Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) recommended that localities, depending on the conditions, need to arrange the sowing timetable in the months of October and November.
In Hau Giang, the winter-spring rice crop 2021-2022, the province plans to sow 76,500 hectares. Ms. Nguyen Thi Giang, Deputy Director of Hau Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said that the province has developed a seeding plan to focus on two phases. Specifically, the first phase is from November 24 to 30, and the second phase from December 22 to 29, 2021.
According to Ms. Giang, in order to effectively produce the winter-spring rice crop, the province has directed specialized units to mobilize farmers to apply the solutions of machine transplanting, sparse sowing, with the recommended amount of seed from 80 to 80. 100 kg/ha. Focusing on prioritizing the replication and application of advanced rice farming technical packages such as “3 decrease, 3 increase”, “1 must 5 decrease”, IPM… Using fertilizers rationally and effectively in the context of increasing fertilizer prices as high as it is today.

Kien Giang is the province with the largest area of winter-spring rice production in 2021-2022 in the region, with 285,000 hectares, with a harvest of more than 2 million tons of rice as planned. Up to now, farmers have sown 4,000 hectares, concentrated in U Minh Thuong district, production depends mainly on rain water.
Deputy Director of Kien Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Huu Toan said that in order to produce effectively, before summer-autumn rice and autumn-winter 2021. As a result, the area for sowing rice according to the recommended season schedule is quite high. , facilitate the management and protection of production.
Kien Giang has an area of rice production spread across 3 different ecological sub-regions, so according to Mr. Toan, the province will arrange a flexible seasonal schedule, focusing on several batches, but it must be finished in December. 2021.